Vice President
Carla van den Hout
07 552 5175
Graeme Dewhurst
Johanna Raynor
Tauranga Club Officers and the Team
Secretary: Andrew Old
Newsletter: Gordon Sherwood
Library / Museum: Marcel Authier, John Clarke
Shop: Olga Nicholson
Field Trips: Graham Hill
Workshop: Graeme Dewhurst
Committee: Ian Mason
John Clarke
Olga Nicholson
Andrew Old
Gordon Sherwood
Graham Hill
Tauranga Gem & Mineral Club Welcomes Visitors and New Members
Have you ever stopped and picked up a rock or pebble just because you liked the look of it? Popped it in your pocket and taken it home to rest on the mantelpiece for all to see? If you have then you have already been bitten by an interesting and inexpensive hobby – you are a rock hound! Our club offers a great environment where members can socialize and participate in the collection of minerals, crystals, gemstones and fossils. You can also learn about the general geology of New Zealand and the art of lapidary.
The main aim of the club is to foster and share the interest in our hobby with like minded people. The majority of members are non experts, so you don’t have to be a professional in geology or jewellery to join our group so come along and learn more about this fascinating hobby.
Currently we have about 90 members ranging in age from over 90 to primary-aged school children. Our activities are designed to be of interest to people of all ages – one only needs to be interested in rocks, fossils or geology! Club meetings are held in our club rooms at the Historic Village on every second Monday of the month. Club meetings start at about 6pm for Juniors and 7:30pm for seniors, although the doors open before 6pm. The focus of club meetings is rocks or geology. Sometimes we have guest speakers with a variety of topics ranging for example, from the significance of dune lakes to mining, while club members are encouraged to bring along rocks for discussion or identification.
We host regular field trips in the Bay of Plenty Region (generally once a month) to collect rocks, minerals, fossils. There is usually an annual field trip to another part of New Zealand. The club and club members participate in bi -annual show competitions and display various aspects of their work. To encourage and teach the younger generation and keep them interested in all aspects of our hobby in an enjoyable environment. The Club night for Juniors and Seniors is on the same night with the Juniors finishing at 7:30pm and the Seniors starting at 7:30pm. The club has it’s own workshop which can be used by members for a small fee. Learn how to safely and effectively use the machinery to cut and polish rocks etc. Tutoring is provided.
Prospective members are invited to attend one meeting or a field trip as guests before applying for membership of the club. Our Club caters for anyone interested in Gems, Lapidary, Faceting, Fossil and Mineral Collecting. We are keen collectors of everything terra firma. Visitors are welcome. There are rocks, minerals and fossils on display, plus some polished rocks and jewellery for sale. Club members are happy to assist in rock identification, and to demonstrate rock cutting and polishing techniques.
Download our club's safety and policies below. (Pending update.)
Tauranga Gem & Mineral Club Health & Safety Policy
Download the pdf version of the club's health & safety policy.